Beautiful Star.

Oh beautiful star of my prayers,
Shining miles away from my heart,
Seems today your wonderful light,
Is a bit different of other nights.

Don’t know if black space is to dark,
Or universe is playing with your heart,
Maybe your light needs more energy,
Or you’re feeling sad in my sky.

Oh beautiful star of my prayers,
Shining miles away from my heart,
Let me try to comfort your feelings,
Although distance separates us.

Wish I could share my eyes with you,
So you can see that gorgeous smile,
That lights my days in my darkness,
Even in days when light in not so bright.

Wish I could send a shining shield,
Running fast through deep sky.
So universe don’t bother your heart,
Or who ever tries to hurt us.

Wish I could send you my energy,
Oh princess of all stars,
Doesn’t matter if I shine a bit less,
Cause your light is gift for my soul.

Oh beautiful star of my prayers,
Your light inspires this simple man,
That loves you far in a distance,

And always will watch you in life.

Aovon Nabetse.


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